First steps

First, you need access to two servers. Some compute server for storing project files and running your codes. This compute server is accessible from inside the institute network only. To connect to this server from a remote location, we need another internet-facing jump-server to connect through (like a proxy server).


  1. Compute server: user1@ (port 9001)
  2. Jump server: (port 9001)

Use Putty (Windows) or Linux CLI (Preferred)

If you are using Linux or WSL (Windows subsystem linux), this command should work. [If you have Putty, Google for how to connect through a jump server using Putty.]

ssh -J user1@ -p 9001

Local Port Forwarding through Jumphost

If you are running JupyterLab or some other service on the compute server and want to access it on your local machine, you would need to do a local port forwarding. This will forward your requests to the address[PORT] to the port on the compute server (e.g.[PORT]). Use the following command for making an SSH connection along with a local port forwarding.

ssh -J -L12345: bsantra@ -p 8201

Now, open your browser and connect to Here, I have assumed that your program (jupyter lab) is running on port 12345 of the compute server.